Neves Kortárs Galéria 1053 Budapest , Kossuth Lajos utca 3.

Attila Berencsi

Inspiration for me is not what many people think. It doesn't work like you're sitting, and suddenly something pops in. Over the long years, it slowly builds up. I think this way we can create something better and work to make our thoughts one, in some form. Of course, there is always a trigger that determines the moment when this happens, but overall, there is always a way. This can be, for example, an artistic creed, let's say, let the picture be beautiful and good. If we leave this, then the abstract paintings will come. Or make the brush treatment invisible. This can also be left out, and then the impressionist paintings are born. However, if one makes the painting properly, the end result is the result of a thoughtful process, and this is not covered by the word inspiration. For my paintings, the method of blindfolding does not work. I research everything very carefully in order to get the perfect painting for me.
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